Tuesday, April 21, 2009

D/P Wi-Fi Battle:Primal D.vs.Severist!

YAYZ!A challenger!Pokemon Diamond is starting to bore me there's no challenge.But when Severist of the Marriland forums accepted my challenge,........(I don't know what to say)
P.S.My team has changed a bit.Actually,Gyarados and Infernape are replaced by a more powerful Gyarados and Infernape.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wi-fi Battles2

"Aqua Scare"the Gyarados Nature:Sassy
Moves:Earthquake,Ice Fang,Dragon Dance,Waterfall
Held Item:Leftovers
"Red" the Infernape Nature:Adamant
Moves:Swords Dance,Fire Punch,Earthquake,Grass Knot
Held Item:Focus Sash
"Timatria" the Tyranitar Nature:Quirky
Moves:Earthquake,Stone Edge,Crunch,Rock Polish
Held Item:BlackGlasses
"Kazza"the Alakazam Nature:Quiet
Moves:Substitute,Calm Mind,Psychic,Sunny Day
Held Item:Choice Specs
Dusknoir Nature:Naive
Moves:Shadow Punch,Protect,Brick Break,Taunt
Held Item:Scope Lens
(JP)Machamp Nature:Naughty
Moves:Earthquake,Stone Edge,Brick Break,Seismic Toss
Held Item:Coba Berry

Wi-fi Battles

I am accepting Wi-Fi battles right now.If you want to battle me,inform me on YOUTUBE.However, I'm only accepting THREE battles to test my skill level.
Rules:NO UBERS (Arceus,Darkrai,Deoxys,Dialga,Garchomp,Giratina,Groudon,Ho-oh,Kyogre,
NO Hacked Pokemon
NO EVs exceeding 252
Don't be a noob and run/disconnect when you are losing

I'm back!!!!!!!!!.................................

It's been a long time I updated the website...Anyway I'm planning to make a walkthrough on PKMN Diamond/ Pearl/Platinum if dad has time.If your are asking me why wont I make walkthroughs on the earlier games the answer is I don't have them!Except FireRed but the data keeps getting deleted):

Friday, April 3, 2009

Welcome to my website!

Wait...What exactly is the purpose of this website?
A:It's for people that are stuck in Pokemon games and tips on catching hard to catch Pokemon
(ex:The Lake Trio) and etc.
So this is mainly a Pokemon website?

Welcome to Primal Dialga!

Corny name eh? Enough talk and go to another page of this website!!!!!